► Planning & support: online meeting essentials

Want large, complex, or highly interactive meetings to run smoothly? Rely on our knowledge, professional guidance, and technical support before and during the event.

Digital or hybrid: good meetings are not about technology. They are about contact and involvement, which starts with human-centric design and a solid set-up of meetings. Preparation is crucial. Yet when things do turn out differently, it comes down to a good understanding of the meeting objectives, thorough knowledge of video platforms, and, of course: smart, fast switching. Our Meeting Masters are trained to guide and unburden participants and organizers as much as possible during the entire process, planned and unplanned. That gives peace, focus, and a much more pleasant atmosphere.

Make more of meetings:

Before your meeting

What are your objectives? Who will attend? How to ensure maximum involvement of participants? Clear intention and a strong plan make meetings more interesting and effective. We are specialists in creating inspiring meeting designs and translate your wishes into a briefing with clear roles and tasks.

► Meeting design 
► Platform design 
► Presentation design 
► Speakers briefing 
► Communication support 
► Manuals & instruction
► Test meeting 
► Entry workshop  
► Dry run

During your meeting

Meeting Masters support the chairman and ensure that participants feel assisted. From guest reception and technical assistance, to (co-) facilitation, interaction monitoring and break-out guidance: good interaction and smooth progress make the difference.

► Participant onboarding  
► Telephone & online support 
► Screenshares 
► Interaction monitoring 
► Online voting 
► Online whiteboarding 
► Break-out guidance 
► Co-host & social host 
► Facilitator 
► Recording & screenshots 

After your meeting

"Leave session" is the end of the meeting: it is often only the beginning of more contact in the future. MeetingMasters supports with structured advice, reports and participant evaluations and offers feedback sessions for future improvements. Let’s keep in touch.

► Participants’ evaluation
► Content report
► Technical report 
► Improvement advice